Friday, October 1, 2010


複數不限定名詞不需冠詞.例如“articles are generally difficult to use”,一個簡單的判斷方式是當你使用“generally”時表示名詞是未被限定。另一個情況是不可數不限定名詞,比如“love”:Love makes the world go round。
若該名詞前有其他字時也不需要加冠詞,如數字、所有格(my)、量詞(several, most)或示範形容詞(that)。所以我們會說“three wise monkeys”、“my favourite aunt”、“several researchers”或“that journal”。
許多專有名詞也不加冠詞:John、Monday、Delhi、Japan、Christmas、Ramadan。另一方面,有些專有名詞需要加冠詞,如河流(the Nile),山脈(the Snowy Mountains),因此你不確定時最好先查字典。



Friday, September 24, 2010


上一次我們介紹了麻煩的詞“the”,這次我們要來看看另一個不定冠詞“a”。之前有提到“the”是一個定冠詞,而決定什麼是限定的又很困難。“a”不是限定的,所以當我們提到不是特定的事物時就會使用這個字。注意在子音起首的字我們用“a”,而不是字母而已,而在母音起首的字我們用“an”。所以雖然“u”是母音,我們要說a uniform因為“uniform”是由子音開始發聲;而用是an hour因為“h”在這裡不發音。

基本上,當我們第一次提到一個單數可數名詞時要用“a”,也就是說某些可成為複數的物品只有一樣時就要使用“a”,例如,“I went to a lecture ”,這是第一次提到“lecture”,屬於非限定,同時“lecture”是單數可數名詞,因此使用“a”;當下一次我們再提到同一個“lecture”時就是限定詞,所以要使用the lecture。

測量單位或時間也需要使用“a”,像是“twice a day ”或“three litres an hour”。描述事物的某部分時也需要使用“a”,比如“a slice of cake”或“a molecule of hydrogen”。職業也需要加“a”:“She is a lawyer”



Thursday, September 2, 2010


那麼什麼又是“不定”?我想這對非英文母語者來說是最難理解的事情。“不定”是指共同所知的資訊,例如:“I went to a lecture. The lecture was about grammar.”,“a lecture”和 “the lecture”是同一件事情。第一次使用“a”,因為大家並不知道是哪一個lecture,有可能是任何一個lecture。在第二句話中,冠詞已經定義,因為我們都知道這是在講哪一個lecture。再舉一個例子,“I went to a concert on Saturday. The orchestra played beautifully.”雖然“orchestra”只有提到一次,我們可以聯想到這就是我去的演唱會,而我假設你可以理解我在講的“orchestra”是什麼,所以我再次使用定冠詞。

有很多情況我們都會設定,假設彼此知道某些共同的資訊。例如,有一些是共同為人所知的東西:the earth; the equator、the Ganges、the Queen of England。其他如使用比較級或是序數:the best、the second。許多組織單位也會使用“the”:the World Health Organisation、the North Atlantic Treaty Organization。(注意:當我們使用縮寫時,不需要加“the”,如NATO和 UNESCO。)“of”這個字也常常促使我們使用定冠詞: the use of this procedure、the completion of the survey、none of the people in the study。期間、國家及貨幣前也要加“the”:the 1990s、the twentieth century、 the dollar。

有個問題是,在某些文化或背景中定義的事情可能不是其他人所熟知。比如說:“X is the prime minister”,你會需要知道這是指哪個國家。以上的例子都是給你一些概念,也値得您上網檢查文章及例句是否正確。試著在搜尋引擎上輸入你的句子,然後看搜尋結果有沒有以英文為母語這寫出跟你相似的句子。


Tuesday, June 29, 2010



• 成員可各自選擇屬意之服務方案(標準編修,優質編修)
• 享有意得輯之免費附加服務:根據期刊要求排版、提供英文編修證明、意得輯編修品質保證
• 每位成員皆可分開進行付款及發票作業,讓您輕鬆繳款與報帳


Wednesday, June 16, 2010



Microsoft Word有幾個不同版本的英文,其中的〝英文(美國)〞為安裝時的預設語言。以下為更改設定的步驟;步驟基本上都相同,僅差在最後一個步驟時應做適當的選擇。

Word 2003 :打開你欲檢查拼音的檔案,Ctrl + A選擇全文(或在編輯選單中選擇),工具>語言>設定語言>選擇〝英文(英國)〞

Word 2007:選擇全文>校閱>設定語言>選擇〝英文(英國)〞 
開始工具列>所有程式>Microsoft Office>Microsoft Office工具>Microsoft Office語言設定2007>編輯語言>在〝主要編輯語言〞選擇適當的語言為編輯語言。

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


當寫信卻不知道對方的性別時,我們可能會用對方的職稱(例如Dear Manager)、不使用稱呼(Ms/Mr等)或使用包含全名的敬語(Dear John Doe),或者其他權宜之計。再來呢?

美式用法中,在正式信函通常會在稱謂後使用冒號(像是Dear Mr Doe: 或 Dear Ms Doe:);英式用法中,則較常使用逗號,許多人則是直接省略。

英式用法中,信函的結尾取決於開頭的用法:如果開頭稱謂是名字,適當的結尾應是Yours sincerely;如果稱謂並無姓名,則使用Yours faithfully。在美式用法中,不論稱謂,Sincerely和Sincerely yours是最常使用的結尾。在這兩種系統下,逗號後都跟著結尾問候(像是Yours faithfully,或Sincerely,)。


Monday, April 19, 2010


Formatting the footnote marker A footnote marker should stand out from the surrounding text, which is why it is common to make the superscript letters or numerals used as footnote markers bold. It is even more helpful not only to make the marker bold but also to italicize it so that it leans away from the text that it qualifies.
Make sure that in setting the marker as a superscript, you are not making the character too small; if it is too small, either use a larger font size or increase the default value for superscripts used by the software package.
If the font that you are using includes proper superscript numerals, use those. You can see the difference for yourself by comparing a superscripted 2 with that obtained by pressing Alt + 0178 (2 versus ²). You will notice that proper superscripts are as dark as the rest of the text, whereas superscripted characters are lighter.
Lastly, check that the column alignment is intact: in a right-aligned column of numbers, for example, the number to which a footnote has been attached should not be pushed to the left to make room for the marker; instead, the marker is "hung," that is, it is placed to the right of the number but outside the column.
Footnote marker at the foot Some journal publishers do away with the superscript when the marker is reproduced at the foot immediately before the text of the footnote. The ² used as a footnote marker in the table, for example, will be printed as 2 at the foot of the table. These "unsuperscripted" characters are sometimes referred to as "in-line" characters. Observe the practice followed by the target journal and use that.
The text of the footnote begins immediately – with a minimal gap – after the footnote marker. If the superscript form is retained, beginning the text of the footnote with a capital letter can obscure the marker. Again, follow the style of the target journal.
Terminal punctuation If the text of the footnote is a complete sentence or runs to more than a single sentence, use full stops (periods) as appropriate. If the text is a single word or a phrase or a sentence fragment, no terminal punctuation is required.
More than one footnote in a line Short footnotes are usually set as a block of text. In other words, the footnotes are "run on" one after the other, separated with a single space, the block being as wide as the lines that make up the normal text or as wide as the table to which the footnotes are attached. However, do not arrange the footnotes in columns even if the target journal uses such a layout. It is then best to start each footnote on a fresh line and leave the layout to the publisher.